Caught in a pincer
India is ringed by hostile neighbours, who hope to bleed and balkanise it
By Gautam Sen, December 2005
(Dr Gautam Sen formerly taught at the London School of Economics & Political Science)
India is encountering a geopolitical pincer movement to corner
it, prior to its eventual liquidation as a significant political entity. The
principal instigator of this pincer movement is China, which has already
garlanded India with a ring of hostile countries, itching to see it prostrate.
The garland of thorns surrounding India begins with Bangladesh, Burma and Nepal
and ends with the bleeding dagger of Pakistan already thrust deep into India’s
body politic. Nepal’s unabashed participation in this campaign has been held
back by India’s economic stranglehold over it, but its dominant elites are more
than anxious to plunge a dagger of their own into India’s heart. Where Sri Lanka
will fit into this equation barely requires much imagination, despite the
apparent current honeymoon, because the Sinhalese have long harboured iridescent
contempt for India.
The other arm of this pincer, threatening India’s very survival, is an array of
Arab supporters of Pakistan now implanted deep inside Indian society and its
polity. They apparently concur that the hiatus of British and post-colonial
kafir ascendancy in India is poised to end. Sunni Islam is looking forward to
the restoration of their rule in a vast swathe encompassing north and west
Africa, reaching out towards the Black Sea coast and then stretching all the way
eastward to obscure Chittagong port. And such is the Islamic self-confidence and
influence within India itself that minor coastal Gulf statelets, with
populations that would disappear in one Indian city suburb, finance and
nonchalantly promote lethal bombing campaigns in its capital city. The Indian
state, which could easily punish these vile Cantons militarily, utters not a
whisper of protest as the evidence of their dastardly complicity piles ever
Transnational ambitions of Islam and the Maoist revolt have combined to tie down
the Indian state well and truly. The unfolding drama in which they are playing a
pivotal role is a prelude to delivering a coup de grâce, at an appropriate time
when the Indian state is besieged and stretched. At that climacteric moment of
danger, India’s self-obsessed and morally neuter elites will be susceptible to
blandishments to save their own skins in exchange for all sorts of acts of
national betrayal. The outcome is likely to be the surrender of sovereign
territory and grants of political autonomy to seditious regions that will make
the provisions of Article 370 seem excessively centripetal.
The Islamic instrument of subversion is a remarkable, but entirely predictable
hold over their sub-continental co-religionists. This far-reaching influence is
maintained through doctrinal and financial stranglehold over India’s Islamic
clergy and institutions. The clergy itself enjoys immense sway over the faithful
through mosques and madrasas. In the eloquent testimony of Tehmina Durrani, the
former spouse of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto’s close colleague, who laid bared the
private vileness of Pakistan’s ruling elites, “The multitudes might be
impoverished and illiterate, but invoke the name of Islam – no matter how
erroneously - and they will rally.” As a result, India’s Islamic clergy is able
to brazenly announce its loyalty to the wider ummah and the imperative of
establishing a caliphate in the future, where non-Muslims, according to Jamaat
leaders, will be suitably deferential.
The pincer movement against India distending ominously along its borders is
combined with manifold domestic dissent and policy stasis, accentuating the
impulse toward implosion. The selfsame foes, sitting animatedly along its
borders, assiduously sponsor a great deal of this internal political discontent
within India. Characteristically, the Left parties across the country are
embarked on a truly insidious campaign of criminal sabotage of their own on all
fronts. They have joined hands with China and jihadi Pakistan to ensure the
failure of the Indo-US accord on nuclear energy. The Iran issue in the IAEA is
merely an excuse since the real goal is to advance the interests of communist
China, to which Pakistan happens to be joined at the proverbial hip.
Quire revealingly, India’s erstwhile foreign minister engaged in a disgraceful
subterfuge by unilaterally stopping India from co-sponsoring a resolution to
institutionalise the commemoration of the Holocaust at the UN. This was a
pernicious and crude play for Leftist and Islamic sympathy to protect himself
from the consequences of being named in the Volcker Report. But it is not a
surprise that the Left and their Islamic co-conspirators refuse to commemorate
the Holocaust because anti-Semitism has become their triumphant hallmark. The
self-indulgent foreign minister himself gave no thought to India’s good name and
its important relationship with Israel in perpetrating this shameful act of
betrayal, which also happens to be contrary to avowed government policy. Yet, he
remains a member of the Union Cabinet, with the zealous support of the political
Left, and the honourable prime minister does not find the situation intolerable.
Of course, rotten governance and devilish economic mismanagement are also
playing a diabolical role in undermining India’s advance. The government’s
overweening presence in the economy constantly politicises economic disquiet and
drags it into every contentious issue. In a largely impersonal private economy
the political system would be more insulated from the daily ebb and flow of
economic events that affect personal destinies. Economic setbacks would not
rapidly translate into collective political discontent and revolt. But the
collaborationist and criminal political class only has the short-term goal of
securing political power and the spoils of office, with which reform has minimal
connection. Yet, it is the Left’s impact on current economic policy that is
proving extraordinarily damaging to India’s future, though the Nehruvian
economic legacy has contaminated political parties right across the ideological
A huge number of people have a stake in ensuring an overbearing
role for the government in running the Indian economy. The government is the
central platform for the destructive re-distributive struggle that has seized
India, overshadowing the primary goal of productive effort. Everyone seeks a
piece of the ill-gotten revenue pie and has an imaginative argument to buttress
their claim. And ministerial office itself seems to mean that nothing has to
ever be paid for again and every urgent necessity entails a trip abroad,
preferably with one’s entire family in tow. One calculation suggests that half
of India’s entire middle class is directly or indirectly dependent on the
government for their incomes. Gratifyingly for them, government jobs, whether in
administration, medicine, teaching and much else besides, are political rewards
and very little actual work is required of the privileged few lucky enough to
have them. In some leading teaching institutions in the national capital staff
appear once a month only to collect their salaries.
Unsurprisingly, in such a corrupt system, much public investment is simply a
circuitous route for embezzlement, since contractors, politicians and
bureaucrats conspire to siphon off as much as possible. The ostensible intended
work itself is the least of their concerns. The immediate damage is through
direct theft, but private producers also suffer huge productivity losses because
they need efficient services like transportation, energy, etc, in order to
operate themselves. This is why the failure to expand employment in the
organised sector is the unavoidable corollary of the mafia trade union politics
of India, supported by all major political parties, which nurture their
respective labour wings. This minuscule group of blackmailers and extortionists
has made it extremely unattractive for prospective employers to hire labour
because being held to ransom by trade unions is the norm. Only informal
employment has grown in India in the past decade while employment in the formal
sector has actually shrunk. But the Left is always present to ensure that the
jobs of their work-shy members are protected at all costs.
The incumbent prime minister’s powerlessness in the face of rampant deceit and
unashamed criminality within his own Union cabinet, with a succession of
indicted ministerial colleagues forcibly ejected, is a harbinger of the shape of
things to come. The writing is clearly on the wall since the functioning of most
state governments has merely become a sublimated cover for illegality. In the
grimly self-destructive pursuit of money and power political life in India has
been reduced to unadulterated entrepreneurial activity that stops at nothing.
Such is the cynical depth of this phenomenon that one sighs in silent relief
when an accused legislator or parliamentarian is only alleged to be involved in
kidnapping and armed robbery rather than multiple homicide.
In some regions the pretence of serving the public interest has been replaced by
out-and-out criminality. A shocking calculation suggests that legislators
accused of criminal activities in UP, belonging to all political parties, could
form a government of their own, since they have enjoyed an absolute majority in
the state assembly for some time. Not only are state legislatures and the
national parliament itself teeming with felons, chief ministers of many states
are also engaged in blatant criminal activity. Recently, a chief minister
vitiated all precepts of justice and morality by instigating the illegal arrest
of religious leaders, who define the very nature of Indian civilisation. An ally
of the same state government is also ruthlessly harassing a business rival for
making innocuous statements on safe sex by wilfully misusing a fully complicit
The persistence of any public purpose in governance is not so much fortuitous as
merely the final vestiges of a dwindling historic idealism. It survives by
virtue of a degree of inertia, the prior dominance of the better educated and
the integrity of selection procedures for higher administrative jobs, preventing
outright collapse. But the arrangements barely survive. The bureaucrat, who may
have once idealistically sought to further the public interest, has increasingly
joined hands with his political masters to pursue corrupt enrichment. The
capital city itself is in the thrall of political goons in hock to criminals,
collectively engaged in a feeding frenzy of theft and extortion. The recent
attempt to impugn an uncharacteristically honest municipal chief executive, who
forlornly sought to inject a modicum of transparency, was launched jointly by
government and Opposition legislative members. Amazingly, it went virtually
unnoticed and he is now being put out to pasture.
The political class as a whole, both government and Opposition, hoodwinks the
electorate by engaging in make-believe public jousts. In fact, they co-operate
with each other behind the scenes against the public interest. Occasionally, an
unfortunate individual may succumb in the course of such contrived displays of
public divergences, but the political class usually ensures its own collective
survival by looking after each other. Thus, governments in power rarely go in
for the kill against the Opposition, confident that they too will receive due
consideration from them when they happen to form the government. A catalogue of
the mutual courtesies between political parties in recent history, while they
strive to fabricate the impression of earnest and high-minded conflicts, is a
salutary reminder that political entrepreneurs are not about to commit suicide
by fighting each other to death. They have too much to gain by co-operating
discreetly in order to secure their extremely profitable joint future robbing a
credulous public.
It is also clear that ISI terrorists like Dawood Ibrahim and his associates were
financing major political parties within India and businesses in various parts
of the country. This gives the lie to expressions of serious intention by the
Indian government in demanding Dawood’s extradition from Pakistan. In fact, one
senior Maharashtra politician was seen in the company of Dawood in the VIP
lounge of Mumbai’s international airport at a time when he was supposedly a
fugitive from the law, accused of mass murder. But what are a few hundred dead
bodies and national honour to Indian politicians and their bureaucratic
co-conspirators when both can be bartered for hard cash? The lethal pincer has
bitten deep indeed into the entrails of India.