Citizens’ role in India’s war on terror
By Moorthy Muthuswamy, May 2004Having discussed previously the absolute need for Hindus to build strong community organizations,
12 here I am going to suggest some proven ways of building such organizations. With Hindus constituting around 80% of the population, India will live or die by them. Besides, most other religious entities in India are strongly institutionalized--with powerful organizations representing and advocating their interests. Indian citizens’ role in the war on terror, in my opinion, is none other than help build powerful organizations to advance their interests.Let me give an overview of my complete work--with this among the last of my articles on India’s war on terror. About seven years ago, I realized the need to build an intellectual and visionary basis for India to mount a fight back against religious fascism threatening its civilization. Taking on a leadership role I have published a series of analyses that identify various aspects of this and related issues from a problem-solving point of view. I have identified weaknesses among Hindus and how to correct them and also weaknesses in the enemy and how to take advantage of them. This intellectual basis--lacking until now--is a must for an Indian fight back. These articles are listed at the end of this piece--for anyone trying to understand the full-scope these issues.
Hindu weaknesses
The Hindu religious institutions have remained apolitical. Given the general deep embrace of outdated ideas of yesteryears by the clergy, this hands off approach by them may have helped Hindu resurgence through their embrace of modern ideas. However, this has left a dangerous hole in representing and advancing Hindu interests. In fact, as I have discussed in a previous publication, Hindus are on a losing trend vis-à-vis religious fascism that is highly institutionalized and whose sole purpose is its total domination and annihilation of everything deemed different.
8Even many Hindu organizations such as RSS or VHP have yet to establish a wide following--although they have broadened and increased their support base in the recent times owing to the escalating Islamic fundamentalism within India.
Your children’s future
The most important futuristic issue for anyone is the future of his or her children. One would like to leave as much wealth and give them the best of everything, including education and health. But there exist several grave concerns: the marginalization and massive ethnic cleansing of non-Muslims in every area of South Asia where Muslims have power--through majority status; even in areas where Muslims are in a sizable minority, their relationship with majority Hindus is conflict-prone and wrought with violence, mistrust and suspicion. There is also the issue of most Indian Muslims being under the grip of extremist clergy and their fast population growth rates. The issue becomes more complicated with Muslim majority Kashmir being heavily subsidized at the expense of states where most Hindus live and the escalating cost of fighting the war waged by Islamic fundamentalists. For India to progress and for its children to build a future, resources should invested in the society--not wasted away in a draining and never ending war with Islamists--as is the case now.
All of this paints a future that is not particularly rosy for future generations of Indians. The conclusion we must reach is that the current generation of Indians must now take initiatives to neutralize this religious fascism to ensure an India with future.
A must use of wealth
As I have pointed out at the beginning, Hindus must build powerful organizations to work on their behalf. Historically, many societies have achieved this by donating a portion of their income for political causes. I am suggesting that Hindus donate about 10% of their income for political causes, as opposed to donating it away for religious causes. Only by funding and sponsoring Hindu organizations that act to advance their interests Hindus will ensure a future for their children. This ten-percent suggestion is based upon many communities that have used this percentage of community giving to achieve spectacular successes for themselves.
Giving away part of their wealth also brings a commitment at the individual level to push forward the goals for which the money was given in the first place. In this sense it creates not just organization, but much more--a whole new movement. Only such a movement can create and support, leaders and a system capable of winning this war India faces.
Increased resources are also needed to articulate and educate the public about the grave threats they and their children face--especially, the "smallpox" like nature of the threat and the resulting war of no-rules.
2 As I have pointed out in previous publications5,12 the left-dominated Indian press has no sense of the big picture threats India faces and has left the Indian population largely unprepared.Even Indian courts do not have a sense of big picture, in my opinion. Their commitment to upholding rule of law is understandable. However, they have failed to adequately appreciate that it is almost impossible to bring many criminal Islamists to book due to their ability to rally their entire community behind them--but going after Hindus involved in communal retaliation is a relatively easier proposition due to Hindu community’s non-institutionalized setup. This leads to the perception among the majority community of one-sided justice being served and emboldening of extremists among the Muslim community. To address these issues too requires increased funding and effort by individuals.
NRI contributions
Non-Resident Indians (NRI) too have a huge stake in a successful India. A strong and powerful India will not only work to defend Indian worldwide, but it will also create a favorable impression for future generation Indians around the globe. Clearly, India as a positive brand is far more beneficial than as a negative brand for all of us. We see that even if we don’t live in India, for our own selfish reason, we need to help make India a success story. The question arises in what critical areas and how non-resident Indians can help. In my opinion the best way to ensure a legacy for you, your family and your children is to help build—through financial assistance-- powerful organizations that represent Hindus in India. In addition, the NRI should also fund organizations that represent their interests in the countries of residence.
Going forward
The general anti-incumbency nature of election results and poor voting turnouts point to an Indian public yearning for decisive and visionary leaders to provide competent governing, economic growth and security from terror. Even in well-governed Western European democracies militant Islamic fascism has surfaced in strength. It would be naive for anyone to conclude that India can win this war under the current democratic setup--especially, when quality Indians do not join the political process.
3,13In the end, India’s ability to prevail in this war comes down to its citizens’ commitment and desire to survive under a relentless onslaught--by allocating their resources, including financial, to permanently and civilizationally vanquish this "smallpox" like enemy.
A complete list of my publications on India's war on terror:
India Needs a National Security Vision2
New Ideas for a New War3
Beyond Fatal Democracy4
Islam’s Weakness5
Journalists: Unwitting Friends of Jihadis?6
Slaves, Servants & Rulers7
A New Paradigm: Civilization through Wealth Creation8
India’s Future: Trend should be a Friend9
Soft Borders with Pakistan: A Certain Suicide10
Prithiviraj, Again?11
American Policy Advice in South Asia: Fatal Flaws12
When are India and Pakistan ready for Peace?13
Mandate for Indo-Pak Peace Settlement