USCIRF's Disregard for Truth


Honorable Speaker Dennis Hastert                                                                      May 8, 2006


Thank you for doing a great service to our nation, by representing us ably. With confronting radical Islam taking the center stage, religious issues abroad have become prominent in shaping our security, economy and foreign policy. This is where United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) comes into picture.


I am writing with great concern about what appears to be an utter disregard for truth, radical Islam-friendly outlook and lack of competence at USCIRF. As a leader of the legislative body with oversight over USCIRF, I am bringing this to your attention. Clearly, my futile interaction with USCIRF has reached a dead end.


The 2006 USCIRF report on India appears to have significant data that are either plain erroneous or arguments that are one-sided and biased. Also, USCIRF officials have ignored the critical data I had given them pointing out an entirely different outlook of religious freedom related violence in India.






When the data and events point to majority in India at the receiving hands of religious minorities, it seems USCIRF is selectively processing information to portray the events in a way it likes. In other words, USCIRF has ceased to be an objective and impartial entity. The 2006 report (along with previous ones) may also open up the interpretation of USCIRF favorably disposed toward Christianity (the majority religion in America) and trying to undermine non-Christian faiths abroad--regardless of the truth. Such an outlook by a tax-payer funded government institution would be in violation of the Constitutional separation of church and state.


USCIRF’s apparent disregard for truth is going to put our Ambassador in New Delhi in an unenviable position—and reflects poorly on America. There should be little doubt—USCIRF is siding with radical Islam in India and undermining a vulnerable Hindu majority, which has shown a liking for America in a recent poll. Is this what we want?


I suspect, the lack of competence manifested at USCIRF is mainly due to inadequate manpower (the Commission, limited to a staff of twenty, has to cover over one hundred countries).


With USCIRF report discredited, it is hard to see how our executive and legislative branches could take its policy “recommendations” seriously. I sincerely hope that you would conduct a hearing to address the needs of USCIRF, giving it adequate staff and help reorganize it so that it can do a competent—not a disgraceful--job. An able USCIRF can be an integral component of our war-on-terror strategy. Let me know if I can be of help.





Moorthy Muthuswamy PhD